Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kurta Shopping for Foreign Identity

We walk through busy streets meandering across the city. Small square doorless shops line the roads. Merchants gaze out from their shops waiting for customers. People walking alongside the road greet us with a friendly “Namaste,” I embrace the divine in you. Respect and understanding feels so naturally genuine, it is woven into the language.

Sometimes I wonder, though, how it would feel to blend into my surroundings—to not stand out like a foreigner.

Can a garment of cloth really help build a bridge? What will it say to native eyes?

The kurta shop has walls and walls of colored cloth. Choices upon choices. We sift through a rainbow of excitement to find our new identity—it will be ready on Thursday.

It is a normal Friday morning in Nepal. I wonder what people are thinking as we walk down the puddled streets adorned in our native clothes.  More eyes follow us than before—but I do not feel uncomfortable; I feel surrounded by an innocent curiosity to understand what brought this clothing to our pale skin. In this moment, I feel beautiful. 

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